Friday, May 29, 2009

FK day 9 : peace & conflict

Well, last two days were pretty amazing.. thanks Peter. But not today, though we enjoyed a movie ‘Crash’ – interesting. Very good cinematography i would say. There was no long story, a number of plots which are slightly connected, more of a documentary style.

Its about suspicion, racism among people and stereotyping. Its about people not having belief in human and getting that belief back. Almost every character in this movie is changed after facing some consequence.

I don’t feel +ve about rest of the day. We had discussions that we already had last week. And I think I'm not convinced by the presentation skill of course coordinator.

We had a football tournament. We… party won again.. Woooo hoooooo.. :)

Someone from our fk participants told me that he thought Rosa is a bit reserved, she seems aggressive. But she seems most friendly to me among African girls. And she is very emotional. Going to Ethiopia, she is from Nairobi, Kenya. She will be working on peace issue.


  1. shesh mesh meyeder shathe football?

  2. haa.. haa..
    prottek team e ekta meye compulsory chilo.. :P
