Tuesday, May 26, 2009

FK day 7: Yet another psychologist

We met two more psychologist today peter and peter. Both are peter :D. I was pretty surprised to see one peter coz he is very similar to Dr. house from tv series House MD. And also his attitude is like House when he makes jokes. I'm a big fan of Dr. House. So, i was really enjoying.. a lot.

Good thing.. he didn’t bore us with academic things. Rather played some name games like we played on very first day.. but a bit different. Then he let us discover what different feelings we had in the game..what our behavior was like. Those things might come when we are in stress level.


we played getting in the circle game. Couple of us were out of the circle. and they didn't know how to get in the circle. They had to discover how to do that. That’s we will have to do. Getting in the circle of a different culture. We had more funny games.. never played before.. :P

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