We are in a new room. Its smaller. but nicely decorated.
I almost forgot the word ‘mediator’. I learnt it when i studied mediator pattern in design pattern. Today’s task was understanding concept and framework of conflict resolution. We had 4 people in a team. 2 are in conflict, they called a mediator for conflict resolution. And 1 observer who observes the whole process and demonstrates the whole scenario later.
That was interesting. Job of mediator is very interesting and dynamic. Driving those 2 person in conflict in a way so they agree on some point. In my team father(Per Einar) and daughter(Rosa) were in conflict. Father wants her to marry his friend as his 3rd wife… :D:D
We acted some scenario of human rights. I borrowed an idea from a Bangladeshi add. Where “kangalini Sufia” got lower payment than her fellow male worker. I am the boss who makes payment :D “Kangalini Sonja” and Mandla was taking payment.
…And some prisoner rights...
...Freedom of expression...
...Rights in voting...