Sunday, May 31, 2009

FK day 10: Mediator pattern :)

We are  in a new room. Its smaller. but nicely decorated.

I almost forgot the word ‘mediator’. I learnt it when i studied mediator pattern in design pattern. Today’s task was understanding concept and framework of conflict resolution. We had 4 people in a team. 2 are in conflict, they called a mediator for conflict resolution. And 1 observer who observes the whole process and demonstrates the whole scenario later.

That was interesting. Job of mediator is very interesting and dynamic. Driving those 2 person in conflict in a way so they agree on some point. In my team father(Per Einar) and daughter(Rosa) were in conflict. Father wants her to marry his friend as his 3rd wife… :D:D

We acted some scenario of human rights. I borrowed an idea from a Bangladeshi add. Where “kangalini Sufia” got lower payment than her fellow male worker. I am the boss who makes payment :D “Kangalini Sonja” and Mandla was taking payment.

the boss!!
…And some prisoner rights...
...Freedom of expression...
...Rights in voting...

This week was awesome!! thanks Peter&Peter and Sarah

Friday, May 29, 2009

FK day 9 : peace & conflict

Well, last two days were pretty amazing.. thanks Peter. But not today, though we enjoyed a movie ‘Crash’ – interesting. Very good cinematography i would say. There was no long story, a number of plots which are slightly connected, more of a documentary style.

Its about suspicion, racism among people and stereotyping. Its about people not having belief in human and getting that belief back. Almost every character in this movie is changed after facing some consequence.

I don’t feel +ve about rest of the day. We had discussions that we already had last week. And I think I'm not convinced by the presentation skill of course coordinator.

We had a football tournament. We… party won again.. Woooo hoooooo.. :)

Someone from our fk participants told me that he thought Rosa is a bit reserved, she seems aggressive. But she seems most friendly to me among African girls. And she is very emotional. Going to Ethiopia, she is from Nairobi, Kenya. She will be working on peace issue.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

FK day 8 : Mask me

Peter, our psychologist is a wonderful in acting. He was impersonating someone who just failed FK exchange program and back from India. He was wearing different masks with different expressions.   And acting according to that expression. He was so good at this that someone from was reacting accordingly. Like when he was babbling around without any point, we all got impatient.


Definitely, we all have a mixture of those behaviors. When we get stressed some of those becomes prominent. I think when i don’t feel easy  or get stressed i just hide myself behind the wall. I try get myself busy with surroundings, my cell phone and with something that is not important. But when i was younger, anger was prominent in me. i can remember i had a habit of tearing papers when i got angry :P That seems funny to me now.. :P

After lunch, we went into teams. We acted problems that we might face while staying in abroad. I was in a group having problem.. ‘missing my family, being alone’. Symon acted as lonely person and we are ghostly appearance of his family.

Logan is a poor boy in the street, begging for food. Afzal & Jeannette are some romantic couple :P

Last time i played mafia… Its been couple of months.  I never hoped that i could play mafia while I'm abroad. At end of the day, Peter started playing mafia. But its a big team for playing mafia.. 28. But there were 3 person in mafia. That's good.
Back in my home, when we played mafia with 7-9 people and we all know each other very well, it became a tough psychological exercise, and more entertaining. Then it was hard to hide myself if i were a mafia..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

FK day 7: Yet another psychologist

We met two more psychologist today peter and peter. Both are peter :D. I was pretty surprised to see one peter coz he is very similar to Dr. house from tv series House MD. And also his attitude is like House when he makes jokes. I'm a big fan of Dr. House. So, i was really enjoying.. a lot.

Good thing.. he didn’t bore us with academic things. Rather played some name games like we played on very first day.. but a bit different. Then he let us discover what different feelings we had in the game..what our behavior was like. Those things might come when we are in stress level.


we played getting in the circle game. Couple of us were out of the circle. and they didn't know how to get in the circle. They had to discover how to do that. That’s we will have to do. Getting in the circle of a different culture. We had more funny games.. never played before.. :P

Monday, May 25, 2009

FK day 6 : partner day

Oooh.. in this weekend i had more struggle than weekdays.. i was really tired. But it was an easy day for me. Its partner day. Settle up everything with my company or partner representative. We had all sorted out when we left Dhaka. Tom Handegard was here from Escneic AS. It was interesting meeting. He was open and responsive.


Here is Heather heather heather. She is Canadian. Reminds me of Robin in TV series ‘How i met your mother’. They don’t look alike. But i find similarity in accents. That could be Canadian accent.

She is going to Colombia to work in SMS based service company. Recently married. I found her very creative and i saw her expressing her ideas well organized. I wish i could borrow that from her :-S

Sunday, May 24, 2009

FK first weekend

We went to Gran rail station They took us to Oslo in the first weekend. But first we went to Kjelsas. That is close to Oslo.

They have the technical museum in Kjelsas. We found lots of interesting stuff there. But most of the stuffs are described in Norwegian. Its been difficult to understand. In medical section, i saw a stuffed womb with a child inside which is probably 1 month old.. amazing. On the top floors, they have place for airplane and motor vehicles.

We walked by the river Akerselva which is the "vein of the city". This is a very small one, but really important to oslo city. Specially when norway was not so rich, this river took important part in industrialization. Now a park is formed surrounding the river bank. We went to hotel walking by the river.

The next day, we were going to art museum, it is close to the hotel we spent the night near Slotsparken. I saw the famous painting ‘Brudeferden i Hardanger’ (Bridal journey in Hardanger) by Adolph Tidemand and Hans Gude. File:Brudeferden.jpg
Camilla talked about this one. i liked it.Another painting i liked is ‘Scream’ – an abstract art by Edvard munch. File:The Scream.jpg
Landscape paintings of Johan Christian Dahl were very nice.
No photography inside art museum :(

  Later on we went to Folkmuseum. I thought it would be a inside some building where they put traditional stuff. But i was very much surprised to see that there are many old houses in the museum. Even a stave church of 13th century and around 150 different building from different parts of Norway. That was totally wow..mazing..

We went to Frogners park, oslo. I was so tired. I told myself “i’d come to this place later. Stop right here… camera freak!!.”