Monday, June 1, 2009

FK day 11,12 : School project

We were in teams to make some presentation for kids in local high school, presenting something interesting.. and i felt it a bit difficult to figure out what teenagers are interested in, while i am standing on a different age. Also in a different culture.. i’d say almost opposite culture :P


I don’t know why i had the idea that Norwegian teenagers would be very spontaneous, communicative and may be damn care. But when i went to the class i found they are not interested in answering or communicating to us. May be they are not comfortable in speaking English. When Per Einar & Turan were talking to them in Norwegian they started talking and answering..

It was fun being with teenagers. I felt like i miss those days with my friends. We all gathered chairs in middle of the class, and act like we are in a crowded bus in Mozambique.. we presented how peoples behavior in bus rides in Norway differs from other culture..

Students are budgeting for one month in context of poor country’s average salary and small size family. They have 6k NOK for a month. It was Per Einar who had the idea of such an activity. The idea was to let them think of how challenging is to maintain a family in some low paying country with an average salary.


When we are back from school, we are in the classroom again, evaluating ourselves and our team. And discussing what was everyone's role and how we did perform. So, i think. it was not about the school. It was a prototype of team work in multicultural environment. And to feel what are difficulties in working in such mixed environment.

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